PLATTE AVENUE BUSINESS & NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION (PAB&NA) is your community organization representing mainly the area surrounding Platte Avenue that roughly encompasses the Knob Hill area of Colorado Springs. Now in its 22th year, PAB&NA is a registered nonprofit organization in the State of Colorado.
PAB&NA's primary goals are to help improve, restore, and keep East Platte Avenue and Knob Hill a clean, safe, vibrant, and visually attractive area within the City of Colorado Springs. Through PAB&NA's various efforts over the years, steady progress has been made in meeting those goals, but there is still much more left to be done. Platte Avenue (via the Knob Hill neighborhood) is the major eastern gateway into metro Colorado Springs and should be considered an vital asset by the City and so requires nurture to achieve and maximize its unique business and lifestyle potential (i.e. walkable, bike-able, scootable, local independent businesses/single family homes mixture, and green spaces).
PAB&NA has steadfastly encouraged property and business owners in our target area to invest, improve, restore, repair, and maintain their properties, to open new businesses, and expand existing businesses. Another important task is to educate City agencies that just because the Knob Hill area is mature and populated with mainly medium to small businesses and modest single family homes it should not be viewed as "under developed" due to the scarcity of major anchor stores, large business parks, or mini-mansions. Furthermore, we strive to oppose the unintentional neglect caused from not being a newly "developed" part of the City by not becoming another default area for crime to develop due to City cutbacks or becoming a dumping ground for various NIMBY City projects and legal externalities. We work closely with the Sand Creek Division of the Colorado Springs Police Department, City Engineering, and other City agencies to achieve our mission goals for our neighborhood.
PAB&NA meets at 6:30 PM (18:30) on the 3rd Tuesday of every month (except December) at the CSPD Sand Creek Substation CSPD Sand Creek Substation 950 Academy Park Loop, Colorado Springs, CO 80910-3942. (719)-444-7270 or other locations (call first for updates).
Refreshments are served and door prizes are given away at each meeting. FREE AND OPEN TO ALL, YOU ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND OUR MEETINGS AND GIVE YOUR OPINIONS ON OUR NEIGHBORHOOD'S PROGRESS! Call to find out or suggest which City officials may be attending our meeting and/or presenting information.

Membership in PAB&NA is encouraged after attending several meetings. Dues and proceeds from fundraisers are used to cover the costs of keeping business, property owners, and residents advised and up to date on important neighborhood issues.
The PLATTE AVENUE BUSINESS & NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION serves the Knob Hill business and neighborhood covering the area of Colorado Springs between Union Blvd. & Chelton, and from Bijou to the south side of Willamette. PAB&NA is a 501( c)(3) non profit incorporated in the State of Colorado on December 23, 1997.
PAB&NA has no paid employees. Membership fees are used to defray costs of postage, printing, and supplies. Many supplies and services are donated to the organization by members and supporters of PAB&NA..
The Knob Hill area is considered a Neighborhood Strategy Area, and receives federal funds through the City which, in part, pay for publication of the neighborhood newsletter. The KNOB HILL NEIGHBOR with a circulation of 625.
Our Staff
The bi-annual election of officers is held on even numbered years (i.e. 2014) during the January meeting of PLATTE AVENUE BUSINESS & NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION.
The following slate of officers was retained:
President-Stephanie L. B. Johnson
Vice President-Telly Barrera
Secretary-Lidia Barrera
Treasurer-J. B. (Johnny) Johnson
Our Projects
PLATTE AVENUE BUSINESS & NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION, in partnership with EASTLAKE NEIGHBORS, has completed the project to relocate the Statue of Liberty replica from a planter in front of the Police Operations Center at Rio Grande & S. Nevada Ave., to its original location in front of old City Hall in 2010 and installed a 50 year time capsule in its base.